Century of Giving Phase II Winner Announced
The votes are in, and Long Islanders have declared the Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center of New York to be the winner of the second phase of the 2013 Century of Giving philanthropic contest.
“We are pleased to announce that Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center of NY has received the most votes within our category of ‘Helping Seniors with Specific Health Conditions’, and will be awarded $5,000 from the law firm of Davidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern,” announced Managing Partner Lawrence Davidow.
“It is our pleasure to accept the Century of Giving recognition and the donation,” declared Mary Ann Malack-Ragona, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center. “We are honored to have been selected, and we look forward to using these funds to support additional Long Island families impacted by Alzheimer’s Disease.”
Mr. Davidow added that the other two Century of Giving nominees also have assisted Long Island seniors in significant ways. “The Arthritis Foundation of Long Island and The American Parkinson Disease Association’s Information & Resource Center on Long Island are renowned for historic assistance provided to Long Island’s elder populations with health concerns. We salute them for their inspiring efforts and encourage support of these worthy charities,” he noted.
The competition will conclude with a new Phase III nomination of other local non-profit organizations that are focused on Special Needs. Stay tuned to find out the latest nominees and then log on to the Century of Giving website and vote!