Dear Clients and Friends,
Wow, the issue of the Medical Aid In Dying (MAID) Acts continue to garner interest by my readers, overwhelmingly in favor of such an act. Here are two more responses that are typical of what I am receiving, especially in direct response to the anti-MAID responses I published a couple of weeks ago:
It is very hard for me to ignore the emotion and politics of the letters you shared, since both, but the second in particular, are almost entirely emotion and politics!
The first at least has a more civil tone, but I do believe that Dr. Rogatz clearly addressed the issues of “thou shalt not kill” and the Hippocratic Oath, showing why MAID can be the least harmful way to help a dying person. I also would argue with the first writer’s belittling of the motives and methods of physicians, since I think those doctors who would be willing to engage with MAID are likely the most principled, humane practitioners. As for the second letter, I don’t find any arguments worth addressing!
Thank you for sharing these. It is always important to hear all points of view!
This is an issue that is not set in stone. Each person should decide what their wishes are at the end of life. For example, if you know that you are dying do you want to suffer or watch someone suffer to the end of their life? I think not. Please, let us go in peace, or is it to ease your conscience to keep us alive? I can speak from experience, watching someone dear to you wither away is heartbreaking for all. The best way to avoid this is to have your wishes stated legally in a living will and health care proxy. On the other hand, where do you draw the line? Can society end someone’s life because the medical expenses become too significant? Who will make those decisions? Insurance companies or families? This is an individual choice and the directive should be handled on an individual basis. All my ducks are in a row, living will, power of attorney, health care proxy, and a will. I hope this makes it easier in the end.
The states that have enacted MAID laws leave the decision to end life to competent residents of their state, who have terminal diseases/conditions and are likely to die in the VERY near future. The MAID statutes are very precise and lay out what each person must do to qualify. While I want every client of mine to have a Health Care Proxy, Living Will, Power of Attorney, and Last Will and Testament, none of these documents help with the MAID laws because you cannot delegate the responsibility to make these decisions to another person.
Whether or not you agree with the laws, they are set up so that people can make these choices for themselves. The state and insurance companies are not part of the decision-making process.
I too have watched loved ones suffer and die……and it SUCKS! (that is a legal term 😊)
I hope this helps! Please forward this information to your friends and relatives to share these informative answers to some very commonly asked questions.
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Listen to Lawrence Letter, just have them email me at
As always, please send me your questions. If you are thinking about it, others are probably too, so my answers will no doubt help you and many others.
Let’s stay connected.
Stay safe!