The Listen to Lawrence Letter: Let us know what you’d like to hear about

December 15, 2023
December 14, 2023 • Volume 4 Issue 199
We’re planning for next year…

Hopefully, by now, most of you know that we hold monthly seminars in our conference room. These presentations provide our clients with much-needed information and referrals for services from organizations that we work with. During our consultations, we constantly see the need for guidance and suggestions that can provide peace of mind, especially in a crisis.


Let us know what you want to hear about! What topics should we cover? Which service agencies would you like to know more about? What are some of your concerns that you’d like addressed? Let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate your requests.

Our clients’ needs are our highest priority and we constantly work towards meeting those needs. Reply to this email and all of your suggestions will be considered.

Thank you!

And, if anyone you know would like to

receive this Listen to Lawrence Letter just

tell them to send their email address to and I’ll add them to the list!

As always, please send me your questions. If you are thinking about it, others are probably too, so my answers will no doubt help you and many others.


Let’s stay connected.

Stay safe!