This could work in a pinch

February 21, 2025
February 11, 2025 • Volume 6 Issue 320
It will work in a pinch… on:


I have been helping an elderly long-time friend whose life has been complicated by the death of her husband, and her health issues. She started the process of getting a will and trust, but the attorney handling that has not been reliable. My question is, if she has beneficiaries on her bank accounts and does a transfer on death deed for her home, will this avoid probate completely if she is not able to complete a will and passes away? She has no children and two of the distant cousins have walked away from helping her over a year ago.


Shame on the attorney for not acting quickly in this situation. However, you are on the right path since time is of the essence. If EVERY asset has a beneficiary, then the Last Will and Testament will not be necessary. This is not ideal, especially with real estate, but it works in a pinch.

I hope this helps!

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